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The statement of Condemn and denounce issued by the Maonah Association for Human R
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Most crimes and violations of human rights and international humanitarian law whic
 - Maonah Association condemns and denounces the assassination attempt crime on the journalist Yahya Al-Arasy Press the Secretary of the President of the Republic of Yemen, and considers it  as an extension of the religious and political incitement campaign against  Al-Arasy from the terror and Yemeni political forces known since mid-April.

Tuesday, 24 July 2012
private -
Urgent Press Release:
Maonah Association condemns and denounces the assassination attempt crime on the journalist Yahya Al-Arasy Press the Secretary of the President of the Republic of Yemen, and considers it as an extension of the religious and political incitement campaign against Al-Arasy from the terror and Yemeni political forces known since mid-April.

The Maonah Association for Human Rights condemned the crime of attempted assassination on the journalist Yahya Al--Arasy Press Secretary to the President of the Republic of Yemen, Field Marshal Abd Rabo Mansour Hadi . The crime took place as he was returning to his home on Sunday evening, July 22 by a group of armed men in two cars that have chased Al-Arasy Street in the south of the fifty meter road in the capital Sana’a, and shot him before fleeing away.

A press statement issued tonight said: The Maonah Association strongly condemns this heinous crime against journalist AlArasay and considers it as a natural extension of the intellectual terrorism and racial and religious incitement campaign against the journalist Yahya Al-Arasy that was launched on 18 April by the "sectarian" terror forces and Yemeni political parties that are a partner in the government, and this happened on the background of publishing a telegram of congratulations to the President of Syria on the occasion of rejoicing on the evacuation day ,, in which Al-Arasy did not have any no relationship with it, while the Association condemned the campaign at the time, and demanded that the leaders of those parties to apologize to the A l-Arasy but they refused to apologize to him and without legal justification, the Association statement said that this intellectual terrorism and sectarian against Yemeni citizen and respectable official journalist but exposes the reality of thought and behavior and intentions by those terror dark forces that used to live to the rhythm of crisis and provoke ethnic and racial sectarian strife, to gain cheap political under claims and they are trying to force obscurantism that abuse the homeland and its security and stability hitting all elements of the social and national development of Yemen.

The association said in a statement: it condemns this heinous crime against journalist Al- Arasy and it deplores and condemns the silence of the Press Syndicate to condemn this crime that took place against a colleague to them that nearly cost him his life and on the opposite positions in other issues, and appeals to all international and domestic human rights organizations, to the condemnation of this crime and to demand the prosecution of the perpetrators, as the Association declares its full solidarity with brother Yahya Al-Arasy the Press Secretary to the President.

In conclusion, the Association statement appealed to the President of the Republic Field Marshal Hadi to speed the formation of a inquiry commission under the supervision of the investigation into the crime of attempted murder of his press secretary yesterday, to ensure follow-up and uncover of the perpetrators and instigators and bring them to trial, and the Association renewed its full readiness to follow up these crimes and advocacy for journalists in front of all national, regional and international points, to ensure the preservation of rights for all victims of this destructive offensive tendency by the dark and terrorist forces against fair national pens, in an effort to hit all the elements of national tranquility and social stability at religious and national levels to Yemen.

God bless and designate,,,

Issued by the Maonah Association for Human Rights and migration
On July 24, 2012 AD

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