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Ma'ona Picks
The statement of Condemn and denounce issued by the Maonah Association for Human R
Urgent Press Release about the conviction of the crimes of collective punishment - cu
Urgent Press Release regarding the Association’s condemn to the crimes of the Syrian
Maonah Association for human rights condemns repeated violations in Yemen
Most crimes and violations of human rights and international humanitarian law whic
press release : The president of the association participates today in the signing ce
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An oral briefing from the Ma’onah to condemn Iran's crimes in Yemen, and to demand t
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Statement of Association Ma’onah for Human Rights and Immigration GD item 4: Hu
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Maonah rejects Ben Omar's Separatist&Destructive Document on Yemen
Maonah for Human Rights and Immigration Association - ...

Urgent and Important:
Maonah For Human Rights and Immigiration Association - ...

Maonah Association condemnsthe assassination attempt crime on journalist Al-Arasy
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Maonah Association Strongly condemned the racism statements by the Islah party leader
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Maonah Association progressing its thanks to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques
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An urgent request of the Secretary-General of the United Nations
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The Association gives thanks to Al-Jazeera for its neutral conducted investigations
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Maonah Association condemns the continued policy of collective punishment in Yemen
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Yemeni human rights organization has accused the international community
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On the occasion of the issuance of the UN list of shame for violators of children's r
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Maonah condemned the siege on the home of Abdullah Alkpodyand considered it terrorism
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Maonah Association condemns and deplores the worst forms of human rights violations
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Maonah Association: condemns the attacks on the protesters in the radio & t.v org.
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Yemeni organizations continue their campaign of collecting one million signatures
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The comments and the decisions of Minister of Information are considered exclusionary
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Maonah Association strongly condemns terrorism crimes and destruction of infrastruc
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The Minister of the Interior must be held responsible for the crimes in Taiz prison
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The international community bear responsibility for today's genocide terrorist crime
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Maonah Association for Human Rights calls to shutdown the CID prison in Marib/p.
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Maonah Association condemns and deplores the murder of the Yemeni citizen Babel Al-Sa
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Maonah : Council of Ministers discussion on the transitional justice Law is premature
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Maonah Association condemns the murder of 22 soldiers and officers in Zanzibar
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complaint for systematic crimes of racism by a political party, partner in government
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Al-Baidha Undersecretary for Radaa Affairs, Sinan Geron responds to Maonah's appeal
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Maonah Association strongly condemns the violations of human right and freedoms
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The issuance of the first UN resolution to open a judicial investigation in Yemen
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The detection of an official document of the Minister of Finance to support-Zindani
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