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Wednesday, 14 September 2022
Special -

🔵 Association Ma’onah for Human Rights / Geneva Office
Special /

In the context of spreading comprehensive awareness of international human rights mechanisms as one of the goals of the Association, our organization publishes daily through its website, Facebook and Twitter pages, the agenda of the 51st session of the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva from 12 September to 7 October. It also publishes topics The discussion before the Human Rights Council and the main daily activities accompanying this session.

It is worth noting that the League, as a non-governmental organization with consultative status at the United Nations (observer status), attends this session through an international human rights team affiliated to it, which is present at this session. In several countries, according to the agenda of each session.

Today's agenda within the framework of the 51st session of the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva, as follows:-

The 51st Session of the Human Rights Council
12 September 2022 - 7 October 2022
Item 3: Interactive Dialogue with Special Rapporteur on water and sanitation
14 September 2022
Statement with Ma'onah for Human Rights and Immigration and Geneva International Centre for Justice
Thank you President,
We thank the Special Rapporteur for his report, and would like to bring to his attention that the health care system and safe drinking water services in Yemen are under great pressure due to the intransigence of the Houthi militias which control the areas of Sana’a, Hodeidah and Ibb. The Houthi militia fails to provide civilians their rights to health care and safe drinking water, and even deliberately deprives Yemenis these rights as part of imposing the policy of collective punishment. These practices are also being implemented in the Yemeni government-controlled areas of Aden, Taiz and Marib.
We have already seen that the health care needs of pregnant women, new mothers, young children, and the elderly within Yemen are increasing. Despite this catastrophic need, the militia's deprivation of health care rights amounts to war crimes for which they must be held accountable.
Ma’onah and Geneva International Centre for Justice calls for the immediate cessation of the deadly conflict affecting safe drinking water services and health care in Yemen. It is critical that humanitarian actors have safe and unhindered access to reach all civilians in need, wherever they are located. These actors must be able to safely deliver emergency medical supplies to health centers and temporary housing facilities —including those needed for obstetric and neonatal care.

Thank you.
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