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Ma'ona Picks
The statement of Condemn and denounce issued by the Maonah Association for Human R
Urgent Press Release about the conviction of the crimes of collective punishment - cu
Urgent Press Release regarding the Association’s condemn to the crimes of the Syrian
Maonah Association for human rights condemns repeated violations in Yemen
Most crimes and violations of human rights and international humanitarian law whic
Association 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐚𝐡 and GICJ : 𝐑𝐨𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐲𝐚𝐬 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐛𝐞 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐧
Private - In a strong plea, at the first day of the 56th session of the UN Human Rights Council's session, GICJ and Association Manoah called on the international community to boost humanitarian aid for all affected populations, including refugees in neighboring countries.

Announcing that an Association Ma’onah won the first place for the best Yemeni-Americ
Special - Today, the Association Ma’onah for Human Rights and Immigration in #NewYork issued a press release in which it thanked and appreciated all voters in the open media survey conducted by the Yemeni Expatriate in America page, the largest Yemeni media outlet in America, and in partnership with the Yemeni American Union regarding voting for the best Yemeni-American organization during the year 2023. M (Organization of the Year), in an open questionnaire dated May 1, 2024 AD. At the conclusion of this survey, the Ma’onah Association took first place and won the (Organization of the Year 2023) award, winning 63% of the total number of voters participating in it, as shown in the following survey link: /dgkiNCoVsbkPwzFv/?mibextid=WC7FNe On this historic occasion in the association’s professional record, the association’s leadership extended its sincere thanks to the brothers on the Yemeni expatriate page in America and the Yemeni American Federation for organizing this open media questionnaire. The association also directed its most beautiful thanks and well-deserved appreciation to all who participated in this questionnaire, whether by voting in favor of the association Ma’onah won first place or those who voted for the rest of the other organizations.

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